15 Cakes in Jar for Gifts

It’s not just a cake stored in a jar, but a cake made in a jar. This will be a gorgeous parcel for the guests attending a birthday party, wedding party, or other party. Store …

It’s not just a cake stored in a jar, but a cake made in a jar. This will be a gorgeous parcel for the guests attending a birthday party, wedding party, or other party.

Store and present cakes in the usual jars, but make cakes in a new unique jar. How to make the cake in this jar is easy, the recipe is simple, it tastes delicious, and is packed directly in a jar with a beautiful decoration so that it is suitable to serve as a gift in various celebrations.

This is the idea of making gifts in edible jars

Some are ready-to-eat recipes (and it’s good to eat soon). There is also that can be kept long in the refrigerator to be cooked later.

Click the link below each photo to see the complete recipe (or just look at the picture as inspiration).

1. Cupcake In A Jar

This ready-to-eat Cupcake can be made easily. Create a cupcake layer by adding a red cake, then lined with a white cream, then repeat by adding another red cake and white cream on it.

If served at the birthday party, the kids definitely love it.

Cupcake siap makan ini bisa dibuat dengan mudah. Kalau disajikan di pesta ulang tahun, anak-anak pasti menyukainya.
Cupcake In A Jar. Foto & resep: mycakies.com

2. Chocolate Nut Cookies

Put cake, Bolu, or brownies that are already finished into the jar, add chocolate chips, cream, or pastries on it. Close. Decorate jars with ribbons or decorative ropes to make it more appealing. Chocolate Nut Cookies are ready to be used as gifts.
Masukkan cake, bolu, atau brownies yang sudah jadi ke dalam toples, tambahkan chocolate chips, cream, atau kue kering di atasnya. Tutup. Hias toples dengan pita atau tali hias supaya lebih menarik. Chocolate Nut Cookies siap dijadikan hadiah.
Chocolate Nut Cookies. Foto & resep: Midwestliving

3. Pie in A Jar

Jars used for this recipe are small jars of baby food containers. And surely this pie recipe tastes more delicious than baby food.
Toples yang digunakan untuk resep ini adalah toples kecil bekas makanan bayi. Dan pastinya resep pie ini rasanya lebih enak daripada makanan bayi.
Pie in A Jar. Foto & resep: greenweddingshoes.com

4. Mini Grasshopper Pies in a Jar  

It only takes 6 ingredients to make pie cakes in this tiny jar, how to make it too easy.
Hanya perlu 6 bahan untuk membuat kue pie dalam toples mungil ini, cara membuatnya juga sangat mudah.
Mini Grasshopper Pies in a Jar. Foto & resep: Show Tell Share

5. Cake in A Jar

The red velvet Cake is grilled directly in the jar, and can also be directly served in the Toplesnya (after cooled of course). Then decorate with ribbon and flowers to be used as a gift.
Cake red velvet ini dipanggang langsung dalam toplesnya, dan juga bisa langsung disajikan dalam toplesnya (setelah didinginkan tentunya). Lalu hias dengan pita dan bunga untuk dijadikan hadiah.
Cake in A Jar. Foto & resep: Beehive and Birdsnest
6. Cowgirl Cookies
This is a recipe mix cake that can be kept long in the refrigerator to be cooked later. It could be a perfect gift for those who like to cook or make a cake at home.
resep campuran kue yang bisa disimpan lama dalam kulkas untuk dimasak kemudian. Bisa jadi hadiah yang cocok untuk mereka yang suka masak atau buat kue di rumah.
Cowgirl Cookies. Foto & resep: Bakerella
7. Sunshine Cookies
Sunshine cookies are a great gift to warm yourself up in winter, and the right gift for kids.
Sunshine cookies merupakan hadiah tepat untuk menghangatkan diri di musim dingin, dan hadiah yang tepat untuk anak-anak.
Sunshine Cookies. Foto & resep: Eat at Allies
8. Homemade Crisco Cookie Mix
This is a crisco pastry dough that can last up to 6 months when frozen. When you want to cook, just add chocolate chips or nuts, then bake briefly. Crisco Cookie is ready to be enjoyed.
Ini adalah adonan kue crisco yang bisa bertahan sampai 6 bulan kalau dibekukan. Saat ingin dimasak, tinggal tambahkan chocolate chips atau kacang, lalu panggang sebentar. Crisco Cookie siap dinikmati.
Homemade Crisco Cookie Mix. Foto & resep: Food Network
9. Homemade Pancake Mix Jar
This ready-made pancake dough can last long if stored well in airtight jars. Whenever you want to make pancakes, just pour dough on a wok or baking pan. No more hassle making dough from the base.
Adonan pancake siap pakai ini bisa bertahan lama jika disimpan dengan baik dalam toples kedap udara. Kapan pun mau membuat pancake, tinggal tuang adonan ke atas wajan atau loyang.
Homemade Pancake Mix Jar. Foto & resep: Good Life Eats
10. Mocha Cocoa
Give them a semi-finished dough that can be kept long, so they can make Mocha cocoa cake quickly and practically. Don’t forget, add the label with the ‘ How to make ‘ instructions so that it doesn’t cook.
Buat adonan setengah jadi yang bisa disimpan lama, supaya bisa membuat kue mocha cocoa dengan cepat dan praktis. Jangan lupa, tambahkan label berisi intruksi ‘cara membuat’ supaya tidak salah masak.
Mocha Cocoa. Foto & resep: My Recipes
11. Quick Bread in a Bottle
This is a ready made cake bread dough to help those who are learning to cook. Put a ready-made dough into the glass jar, paste the ‘ How to make ‘ label, and a quick bread in a bottle ready for a gift.
Masukkan adonan siap pakai ke dalam toples kaca, tempelkan label berisi ‘cara membuat’, dan quick bread in a bottle siap dijadikan hadiah.
Quick Bread in a Bottle. Foto & resep: Sunset
12. Gingerbread Cookie Mix in a Jar
Ginger cake dough In this jar can be a perfect gift for family, friends, or neighbors, or for anyone who wants to feel the sweet and warm ginger cake in winter. Now they can make their own ginger cake with ease.
Adonan kue jahe dalam toples ini bisa jadi hadiah tepat untuk keluarga, teman, atau tetangga, atau untuk siapa pun yang ingin merasakan manis dan hangatnya kue jahe di musim dingin.
Gingerbread Cookie Mix in a Jar. Foto & resep: Food for My Family
13. S’mores Cake in a Jar
This recipe maker S’mores Cake says that this is a farewell gift to the teacher. But in my opinion, this is also great as a gift for friends or family. Get more s’mores.
Pembuat resep S’mores Cake ini bilang bahwa ini adalah hadiah perpisahan untuk guru. Tapi menurut saya, ini juga bagus sebagai hadiah untuk teman atau keluarga.
S’mores Cake in a Jar. Foto & resep: Seven Clown Circus
14. Energy in a Jar
Energy in a Jaris a practical ready-to-eat gift. Actually it can not be called a recipe, because the contents are food so bought in the store, but can still be an inspiring gift, right?
Energy in a jar adalah hadiah siap makan nan praktis
Energy in a Jar. Foto & resep: Healthy Coconut Blog
15. Chocolate Chips Gift

Want to give a gift that can be eaten, but do not want to bother? Then chocolate chips or chocolate candies are the easiest solution. Insert the brown candies into the jars, then decorate the jars with the ribbons and labels. A simple and attractive gift for children.
Masukkan permen coklat ke dalam toples, lalu hias toples dengan pita dan label. Hadiah yang simple dan menarik untuk anak-anak.
Foto & resep: batemanbuzz.blogspot.com
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