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Frequently rinse the pubic from back to front after urinating? Immediately stop this habit, because it could cause the anyang-anyangan, which is most often caused by a urinary tract infection (UTI). This is caused by the bacteria from the colon that also contained around the anus, like e. coli, entering into the urinary tract because of how clean the vagina which is not true. These bacteria then infect the bladder which if not immediately treated can also infect the kidneys.
Beware of Anyang-anyangan
Anyang-anyangan does not always give rise to specific symptoms. However, the following symptoms can generally be signs you could be experiencing the anyang-anyangan.
1. Excess desire to urinate.
2. Aches or pains during urination.
3. Urinating more often, but with the volume a little bit.
4. Pelvic pain if it occurs in women.
5. The pungent-smelling urine, more concentrated, sometimes mixed with blood.
6. Feeling tired and less healthy.
7. Fever.
In addition, the symptoms that accompany the anyang-nyangan could also be different according the part where the urinary system infected, such as:
Renal (acute as pyelonephritis)
as pyelonephritis are generally caused by bacteria, but can also be caused by a fungus. Identify pain in the waist back top, high fever, nausea, vomiting.
Bladder (cystitis or cystitis)
Painful urination as well as anyang-anyangan most commonly caused by the inflammation of the bladder (cystitis). This type of UTI is usually caused by the bacteria e. coli, it could also be other bacteria, commonly found in the gastrointestinal tract. Characteristics is feeling uncomfortable in the lower abdomen, pelvis feels like a pressed, urinate repeatedly and feels pain, as well as the presence of blood in the urine.
Urethra (urethritis)
Hole urethra feels sharp pain while urination. The cause is the same, namely a result, spreads the bacteria in the digestive system from the anus to the urinary tract. Because the position of the urinary tract adjacent to the vagina, sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, and herpes can also cause urethritis.
If you are experiencing Anyang-anyangan
Check with your doctor if you experience one or more of the above conditions. The doctor will perform a physical examination and, if necessary, check the urine samples to detect the possibility of the existence of bacteria causes anyang-anyangan. In General, these conditions are handled by administering antibiotics that should be consumed until exhausted, adapted to the type of bacteria in the urine. In addition, the doctor may prescribe medication to reduce the antinyeri pains or pain while urinating.
You can also compresses an unused lower abdomen with a bag or bottle containing warm water, to reduce the pain in the bladder. In addition, you will be advised to drink plenty of water to help launch an expenditure of bacteria from the urinary tract.
But if you suffer from recurring UTI’s, up to several times, then the doctor will recommend other treatments, such as:
- If your infection is suspected of anything to do with sexual activity, the doctor will prescribe antiobiotik for consumption after sexual intercourse. Your sexual partner should also be treated so that the source of infection can be addressed to your satisfaction.
- Administering antibiotics for longer periods of time.
- After entering menopause, estrogen therapy may be given to reduce the risk of anyang-anyangan again repeated.
While a severe UTI may require the giving of antibiotics through a drip in the hospital.
If not immediately treated, UTI can lead to serious risks, such as kidney damage due to acute or chronic kidney infection, especially in children. In pregnant women, UTI which left untreated can increase the risk of babies born prematurely or infants born with low weight.
People who are more at risk
Everyone, male or female, can indeed suffered from anyang-anyangan, but some are more at risk of experiencing this situation, namely:
- Women are more at risk of experiencing the anyang-anyangan kencingnya channel due to shorter, so the bacteria more easily reach the bladder.
- Women who are sexually active.
- Women who use contraceptives, especially contraception diaphragm and spermicides.
- Women of menopause.
- Women or men who have a congenital urinary tract abnormalities at birth.
- Blockage of the urinary tract, such as kidney stones or an enlarged prostate.
- Women or men who are suffering from the weakness of the immune system.
- People who use a catheter to urinate.
- Just had surgery or examination of the urinary tract.
Prevention of Anyang-anyangan
If you experience any of the above conditions, we recommend that you be careful and immediately do preventative actions to avoid anyang-anyangan. Although the anyang-anyangan is a common complaint, but still there are things that can be done to reduce the risk of the occurrence of this condition:
- Avoid drinks that are at risk of irritation in the bladder, such as soft drinks containing citrus, alcohol, and caffeinated beverages.
- The consumption of enough water to remove bacteria and streamline the disposal of urine.
- For women, after defecation or small, flush the pubic from front to back direction to reduce the spread of bacteria from the anus to the vagina and urethra.
- Urinating immediately after sexual intercourse.
- Avoid using the product for the area of femininity, such as spray cleaners or powders that are at risk of irritation.
By applying the above ways and live a healthy life patterns, you can minimize the risk of experiencing the anyang-anyangan back or can even avoid the risk of getting this disease early on.
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